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Top 10 Reasons to Hold a Tent Sale


Start a new tradition with a spring tent sale.

A huge, multi-colored tent — whether it’s in a parking lot or in a field off the highway — always attracts attention. Because a large tent rises into the air in places where nothing like it should be, people driving by can’t help but pull over to see what’s going on. Because people often associate large tents with fun events, such as the circus, passersby want to find out what’s going on. They simply can’t resist it.

So, to help you get started with your own spring tent sale, here are the top ten reasons your retail business should hold a sale under a tent this spring:

1. Come spring, people want to get outside. After a particularly cold or snowy winter, everyone tends to get a bad case of cabin fever. Entice them to come to your business by moving your business outside, at least temporarily.

2. When you say “tent sale,” the image that springs to mind is of a massive blowout with substantial price cuts. Play into that connotation. Offer huge savings on your slow-moving merchandise or just ten percent off across the board. The tent and the added temptation of savings will attract a crowd.

3. Use a tent sale to announce your presence. Have you just opened your store? Moved to a new location? Started selling a new line? Whatever the reason, announce it in style with a huge tent sale. Customers and potential customers will remember your event… and your products.

4. Make it a bash by hiring a local band, a DJ, a clown or other entertainment. The added sounds of music or laughter (or both!) will attract even more people to your sale. Once springtime hits, people start driving with their windows open, so the sounds your event generates will travel far and wide.

5. Use giveaways, sweepstakes, raffles or auctions to entice an even bigger crowd to stop by your store. A tent sale is always an event. If you make it a family-friendly time, with something for the kids, the parents will remember. Make sure they know what your business sells.

6. It’s smart business to hold a spring tent sale. Even Entrepreneur magazine says renting a tent for your business event is a good idea. It’s a fun way to meet your business neighbors, woo new customers and put your storefront on the local radar. The marketing and advertising boon alone makes a tent sale a smart business move.

7. When you hold a big tent sale in the spring, it’s a welcome change for your employees, too. They like getting outside as much as your customers. Let them mingle and have fun because that energy is infectious. Soon, everyone who stops by will be smiling, and happy people buy more, as many studies have proven.

8. Advertise the event in the local media. When you announce your tent sale, it’s not like a normal advertisement; it’s a public service to let everyone in your community know that a party is going to take place. People appreciate the chance to get outside. Parents appreciate having something different to do with their children. Everyone wins.

9. A tent sale is very accessible to your neighborhood. Even without advertising, you will attract a crowd. Everyone loves a large tent. People will stop, and once they do, it’s up to you to draw them in and keep them occupied. Think of it as a party where you are selling things, not as a sale that’s outside your store. Make it worthwhile. Make it memorable. And it will be profitable.

10. It’s easy to rent a tent and all the supplies you’ll need to put on a fun and lucrative event. Contact Hendersonville Tents Party & Event Rentals for advice and to get everything you need. We work with you and your budget to help you have a successful spring tent sale!

Hendersonville Tents is a family-owned and operated company. 2015 marks the 31st anniversary of providing tents, tables, chairs, pipe and drapes, tableware, games, specialty lighting, PA systems… everything you need to host a memorable spring tent sale. Hendersonville Tents provides a personal touch to any event in Western North Carolina, Upstate South Carolina and surrounding areas. The company provides tents for any size function to fit any size budget. Whatever your needs, Hendersonville Tents has you covered.

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